What weed events or businesses have you found that you'd recommend to others?
I went to the growers gathering at CannaJoy (48th & Chicago) last Thursday evening and the Earl Giles (Quincy Ave in NE) canna happy hour last night, and both were just lovely spaces with friendly people! Some of the most diverse spaces (race, age, gender) I've ever been in in Mpls. I love the way weed is bringing us together!
(And yeah some of us are kinda awkward at these events . . . BECAUSE WE'RE HIGH lol)
How can I find out about weed events in my area? I live in St Michael
I'm in Duluth and I'm looking forward to some events popping up this summer - I feel like Duluth is always a step or three behind the metro in the way it seems to take a while to get things moving up here maybe due to the limited population/establishments etc. Let's keep this thread alive - if you pop in somewhere cool or attend a dynamite event, post it up!