When you become a member of the MN Cannabis Community you will be able to post, like posts, comment, and private message other members of the community. A quick visual of where your notifications appear and how you can chat with another member:
When clicking on your notifications bubble from the front login page, you will be taken to your account page, and specifically, your notifications. From here you can also scroll right or left and change settings, your profile, see all of your posts and comments etc.
Clicking on the chat bubble in the lower right will bring up previous chats and an option to start a new chat [+NEW CHAT]. Clicking that will bring up a list of members that you can message.
Alternatively, to message a member, you can go to the upper right menu and select MNCC Members which will bring up a list of members on the site. You can then simply click on a member which will give you options to follow, message, see their posts etc.