Let's start a thread on what you wish you knew when you first set out on your growing journey. Even if you've got just one grow under your belt, what was the thing you wish you had known or learned along that way that proved to be super valuable.
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I think the biggest problem all of us growers encounter is when our plant(s) start to have an issue and then being able to accurately identify it. Certainly it's a learning curve, but studying some basics on what nutrient lockout is and why it happens, the importance of water pH, and a proper nutrient and watering schedule all tie into those plants being healthy or being stunted and only producing a quarter of what it could have.
Beyond that, use the KISS method - keep it simple stupid! Cannabis isn't a house plant you can set on a windowsill and let it ride but if you have the basics together (good growing medium, light, and plant knowledge basics) it'll probably work out pretty well.
Oh, and for the love of The Cannabis Gods, more nutrients does NOT equal more cannabis! It's a yin and yang - keep 'er in balance!