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This is awesome! Hey I'm checking to see about getting into the business I have alot of experience and love it! Any help would be sweet!
Anyone gifting samples around Wright county. Message me
Any of that from the early years make its way to Fridley?
I remember sampling some grown in NE, I was pretty impressed with the quality and aroma and it was super smooth. If that was you I'd say you're a damn fine grower that upped their game. If not kudos for exploring new techniques and styles. It's what the craft market is all about, variety
Greetings fellow growers! 😀
It's no nice to be able to share this hobby/passion with others now thanks to legalization!
indoor hydro grower near NE Minneapolis since Halloween '11 back when I sowed my first seeds.
Been doing it ever since save for a 6 month break around '17 along with a nearly two year long break during Covid (was going to relocate to another state, now am glad I hadn't).
Been doing 95% hydro throughout my 'career' lol. Now just a little bit of soil though ebb & flow hydroponics remains my favorite method more than any either.
Would love to talk shop with some other growers local to Nordeast!
Here's a pic of a 3x3 in my bedroom from years back (most likely '16... dang do the years ever fly by): 😆
Hello! Looking to learn as I work up to my first proper grow soon. Seems like a cool place!
I'm a homegrower and solventless extractor (hash and rosin). I am passionate about the plant and solventless extracts, which I find to be the safest and best way to consume via Inhalation. I am working on a brand to educate about solventless consumption benefits for most medical and recreational users. I hope to eventually get a micro business licence and start a soil grown, single source solventless brand with full vertical integration.
Hola, glad to have found this. Still learning, I just finished my first ever grow with 4oz, working on #2 now :)
Finished my second grow a few weeks ago. Medical mj patient. Minneapolis. 👋
Hi everybody!
I started in this industry 37 years ago with one goal, I didn't need to make money it just needed to cover my smoke. I'm still satisfied meeting that goal. In fact I want to set up my business tax structure to accomplish that...break even, wake & bake paid for as owner compensation