Looking to send off some seeds to someone on the cheap? How do you do that while being confident they will arrive safely? Here is a pretty darn good way to ship them and it usually only costs the price of a first-class stamp to mail. This certainly isn't anything new and many folks have been doing it this way for long while, but in case you weren't aware, here's the lowdown.
Get a coin flip (one of those cardboard sleeves used to collect and display coins) and a rubber washer - like a hose washer. Both of these can be purchased for pennies each. Place the seeds inside of the hose washer in place of where the coin would go in the coin flip.
Fold the coin flip with washer and seeds inside in half, and seal with tape or a staple.
The seeds are protected by the hose washer as it is thick enough to prevent them from being crushed by the mail system rollers. Fold it into a piece of paper or in one of those old birthday cards you have laying around and won't ever use. Pop it in an envelope and you can ship them off usually for the price of a singe first-class stamp.
If you want to get a little fancy you can put it back inside of the breeders pack, though it may ending up costing you a few pennies more to ship, if the envelope is too thick. Either way, it certainly beats a padded shipper that can cost you a few bucks to ship.